Post your job where top talent looks!

Our curated bundles allow you to get your job post in front of the best talent. You'll find skilled individuals that you can't reach anywhere else.

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AI/ML Devs

$175 Reach 85k+ developers including the Tensorflow and Learn AI Together Discord server and more.


Game Devs

$175 Reach 50k+ developers including the Programmers Palace and CS Career Hub Discord server and more.


Mobile Devs

$175 Reach 25k+ developers including the iOS Development Discord server and more communities.


Web Devs

$175 Reach 400k+ developers including the JavaScripters and Nodeiflux Discord servers, and more communities.


Web3 Devs

$175 Reach 0k+ developers including the HashLips and CryptoDevs Discord servers, and more communities.

Crypto, Web3, Blockchain, Developers, Freelance, Solana, Solidity, Rust, Web3.0, Ethereum, Dapp, Eth, SOL, NFT, DeFi, Decentralized, Decentralised, Hire, Project, Project-based, Work, Jobs, Freeflow, Full Stack, Token, ERC721, ERC1155, ERC721a, Contract, Smart contract, Arweave Avalanche Blockchain Game Development Brownie BSC Development Cadence Cardano Celo Core Blockchain Development DAO Development DApp Development DeFi Application Development DEX Development Drizzle Elrond Embark Ethereum PHP Ethers.js Fantom FLOW Ganache Hardhat Immutable X IPFS Low Gas Fee Optimization Merkle Tree Whitelisting Metaplex Moralis Nethereum NFT Development NFT Marketplace Development Polkadot Polygon Scaffold-ETH Smart Contract Auditing Smart Contract Development Solana Solidity Staking Contract Development Subgraph Development Substrate Terra Tezos Truffle Vyper Web3-react Web3.js Web3.php Web3j NEAR

How to Post

Step 1: A Quick Form

Click the Post to Bundle button to open a simple form to share information about the position.

Step 2: Complete the Payment

Quickly pay with secure Stripe checkout.

Step 3: Watch the Magic Happen

Your role will be posted to the communities that fit best, and your new teammate will be on the way in no time!

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